Balmers Hostel & Nightclub


Balmers Hostel & Nightclub Camping Balmers Hostel & Nightclub

Balmers Herberge

Hauptstrasse 23 – 33
CH 3800 Interlaken, Suisse

(cliquez ici pour ouvrir Google Maps)

Pour toutes demandes
41 33 822 1961

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Thun fest

Festival de musique


Le 11 août

jusqu'au :

August 13

La fête de THUN est l'un des événements régionaux plus importants de l'année.
Thanks to its attractive program, the annual four-day event makes the hearts of Thun’s inhabitants and guests beat that little bit faster – because it really does have something for everyone! Every year in early August, tens of thousands of loyal fans flock to Kyburg city under the motto “Mä gseht sech” (See you there) – for a get- together with good music and good friends to celebrate summer and the THUN FEST. The city is divided into four zones, each with its own theme. There will be zones where families come first but the organizers are also planning a party zone and a concert zone. This subdivision will give guests a better overview of the THUN FEST.
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2021 is canceled, the next THUN FEST is in 2022